Reduce Holiday Baking Stress with the Perfect Pantry
During the holidays, you may find yourself in the kitchen more than usual creating everything from pumpkin pie to brussel sprouts. The state of your pantry may determine how stressful these preparations become. To avoid missing and doubling ingredients as well as wasted time searching for key items, take these simple steps to prep your pantry for the holidays.
1. Remove all expired or unused food. Donate non-perishable items to your local food pantry.
2. Group food items as you use them (ie breakfast foods, baking items, snack foods, pastas, rice, sauces, oils, vinegars, drinks)
3. Place each grouping into appropriate containers to maintain the items together. Label the containers to help all family members uphold the system.
4. Organize the containers in accordance with how often you use items. Those items you use frequently should be in the most convenient places.
View the latest pantries created by Imagine Home Organization for ideas and call us if you need help.