Treasure Your Memories With Proper Photo Storage
Wouldn’t you love it if you had one location for all of your photos? At the end of the year, you could pull the highlights and create a printed photobook to capture the memories for you and your family. (Photobooks make amazing gifts!)
Here are the steps you can take to get your photos under control so you can enjoy the memories now and in the future.
Gather your photos in one place. Find all of your prints and place them in a box. Digitally gather all of your photos by downloading them from your phone and your computer to one location.
Printed Photos
2. Storage decision: Determine if you would like to store photos in an album, photo box or scan and store digitally.
3. The detailed sort: If you are going to use an album for each year, sort the photos by groups of 3 or 4 depending on page and photo size. If using a box for each year or event, you can sort by broader definitions like “Vacation to Italy” or “Halloween” using a labeled tab. In preparation for scanning, the grouping will be similar to the box then scan by grouping and label the photos and folders by group.
Digital Photos
2. Storage decision: Determine if you would like to save on a hard drive with external hard drive back up, cloud backup or photo service backup. I recommend storing on a hard drive with both external hard drive backup (for all documents on your computer) and a photo service. I like the duplication for security and the photo services offer nice solutions for easily printing photos, sharing photos and printing year end and other photo products. The service I use is SmugMug which has an annual fee but is easy to use, offers free downloads (without size reduction) providing access to anyone and no display advertising but there are many quality services from which to pick.
3. The detailed sort: Create a folder for each year and depending on how far back your digital images go and how many you have you may want to combine years. (ie 1990 – 1999). Within each year, create a folder for each event captured. (ie Holden’s Birthday Party, May Trip to Busch Gardens, Miscellaneous)
4. The backup: Now that you have each of your folders labeled and photos sorted within, you need to create your redundant backups. Start by saving to an external hard drive. If you also choose a photo service, it will be easy to create “albums” from each of your folders – or by year if you prefer.