Top 8 Areas to Organize this Spring
To ensure you tackle the most important areas and give your home a fresh look, we have compiled a list of 8 important areas to organize (and how to do it) from the pros at Imagine Home Organization.
1. Display Styling
Shelves are not only meant to store things, they can also showcase your possessions aesthetically.
2. Kitchen
After looking through your kitchen items try these tips to better store them:
3. Pantry
You did it! Now it’s time to put it all back, knowing just how sparkly clean your pantry is.
4. Bathroom
Smile to yourself and say “Tah-Dah!” Tidy space = smiling face!
5. Clothing
6. Kids’ Clothing
It is important to try and stay on top of what comes into our child’s space because new things continue to accumulate. Are you regularly purging enough of their “stuff” to make room for the influx?
7. Garage
8. Media
Congratulate yourself on a job well done. Now that you know the areas to target, we know you can keep them clean and tidy in the years to come. After you’ve beautified your home, put on your best sunhat and go enjoy the outdoors!